Representative - Ravindra Ngo

Chief Representative, Cambodia - Pacific Basin Economic Council
Founding President, Cambodian Association of Hong Kong

Ravindra has 12 Years of experience in senior management working for multinationals and start-ups.

He has very strong HNWI, Investors, entrepreneurs and business executives network in Asia and in Europe. He is building win-win relationships with strategic partners, implementing best practices and elaborating profitable synergies with clients and corporate accounts.

Founding President of the Cambodian Association of Hong Kong, he reinforced his network with Consul general, diplomats and governmental institutions in China and with ASEAN countries in line with the Belt & Road Initiative ( BRI ) and Greater Bay Area.( Guangdong, Hong-Kong ,Macau )

Guest Speaker to the World Chinese Business & Economic Summit in 2019 "Strengthening Connectivity and Inclusiveness for Belt and Road Cooperation "